Toinen erä alkoi SaiPan kannalta pahimmalla mahdollisella tavalla, kun puolustuksen koomailessa, Pelicans pääsi tasoittamaan pelin 2-2. Hetkeä myöhemmin SaiPan puolustus lahjoitti jo illan toisen maalin Pelicansille kun Nagander menetti kiekon alimpana pelaajana suoraan Pelicans pelaajien lapaan ja näin kotijoukkue meni johtoon 3-2. SaiPa pääsi erässä vielä hakemaan tasoitusta ylivoimalla 5-3 vastaan, mutta valitettavasti vieraiden ylivoima ei ollut yhtä tehokasta kuin kotijoukkueella. Näin ottelun toiselle erätauolle mentiinkin kotijoukkueen 3-2 johdossa.
Kolmannessa erässä SaiPa ei oikein missään vaiheessa saanut kunnollista taka-ajoa käyntiin, johtuen varmasti osittain siitä, että pelasi edellisenä päivänä kotiottelun Lukkoa vastaan, kun taas Pelicans oli saanut melkein viikon huilata. Erän parhaan paikan sai SaiPalle sai McFarland, joka pääsi läpiajoon, mutta Pelicansin maalivahti Juvonen onnistui torjumaan yrityksen. Vastaavasti Pelicans onnistui vielä kerran maalinteossa, kun SaiPalle oli tulossa jäähy, siirtyi kotijoukkue jo 4-2 johtoon. Nämä olivat myös ottelun loppulukemat ja Pelicansille 3 p.
Tappion myötä SaiPa tippui sarjataulukossa 8. Onneksi seuraava peli pelataan vasta perjantaina ja näin SaiPa saa kaivattua huilia. Haluaisin ylivoimassa nähdä SaiPan tekevän sellaisen muutoksen, että ykkösylivoimassa pelasivat Hamilton-Järvinen-McFarland. Ja toisessa ylivoima koostumuksessa pelasivat sitten Strömberg-Koskiranta-Kaksonen tai Leivo-Koski-Kuronen. Ykkösylivoiman pakkeina voisi olla Carson-Maalahti ja toisen ylivoiman pakkeina Savilahti-Taipalus/Lappalainen. Näkisin, että näillä koostumukseilla olisi yksi vaarallinen ylivoimakoostumus, jolta voidaan odottaa tehoja.
Tappion myötä SaiPa tippui sarjataulukossa 8. Onneksi seuraava peli pelataan vasta perjantaina ja näin SaiPa saa kaivattua huilia. Haluaisin ylivoimassa nähdä SaiPan tekevän sellaisen muutoksen, että ykkösylivoimassa pelasivat Hamilton-Järvinen-McFarland. Ja toisessa ylivoima koostumuksessa pelasivat sitten Strömberg-Koskiranta-Kaksonen tai Leivo-Koski-Kuronen. Ykkösylivoiman pakkeina voisi olla Carson-Maalahti ja toisen ylivoiman pakkeina Savilahti-Taipalus/Lappalainen. Näkisin, että näillä koostumukseilla olisi yksi vaarallinen ylivoimakoostumus, jolta voidaan odottaa tehoja.
SaiPa julkaisi eilen tehneensä uuden sopimuksen. Maalivahti Tuohimaa loukkaantui maanantaina harjoituksessa ja joutuu olemaan sivussa 2 kuukautta. SaiPa löysi nopeasti korvaajan, kun joukkueen vahvuuteen liittyy 3.12.2016 asti ulottuvilla sopimuksella Jussi Olkinuora. Itse en ole tästä maalivahdista kuulut, johtuen varmasti siitä, että on pelannut viimeiset 6 vuotta Amerikassa eri sarjoissa. Kokemusta on kertynyt niin yliopisto sarjassa, ECHL ja AHL. Viime kaudella Olkinuora pelasi AHL Manitoba Moosessa 6 ottelun verran torjuntaprosentilla 86,4 ja ECHL Tulsa Oilersissa 26 ottelua torjuntaprosentilla 91.1. Oli kuulemma kesällä myös Tapparalle näytillä, mutta sopimusta ei saanut. Itse uskon, että pystyy hoitamaan ne pelit mitä saakin, kunhan saadaan puolustus pelamaan hyvin edessä. Laittaisin Olkinuoran maaliin jo perjantaina kotiottelussa Ilvestä vastaan ja Markkanen pelaisi sitten lauantaina vieraissa JYP vastaan. Tämä on myös Olkinuoralle hyvä näyttöpaikka saada sopimus loppukaudeksi johonkin, jos kaikki menee hyvin.
SaiPan uutinen
SAIPA continued to matches away matches against the Lahti Pelicans. Lahti has been managed in recent years, a difficult place, so it seemed this time to be. In recent games SaiPa the trade mark has been dominated by the opponent game and SAIPA makes paints. So it was also in this game in the first round, when SaiPa 1-0 lead in favor of putting the now proven to be an acquisition Curis Hamilton. From this moment later, another foreign acquisition Mcfarland made the second goal, the season and putting the visiting team for a 2-0 lead. Pelicans got to the end of the first installment yet unfortunately one back superiority and thus the first interval we went 1-2 situation.
The second installment of SaiPa began in the worst possible way, when the defense KooMail, pelicans reached to smooth the game 2-2. A moment later, the defense SaiPa and won for the second goal, evening the pelicans for the Nagander lost at the bottom of the disc player directly Pelicans players on the shoulder and thus, the home side took the lead, 3-2. SAIPA reached installments yet to apply for equalizing 5-3 against the overwhelming force, but unfortunately, the visitors' dominance was not as effective as the home team. This match another interval we went home team a 3-2 lead.
In the third installment SaiPa not really ever received a proper rear-tasking and running, certainly due in part to the previous day's play against the home match lock, while the pelicans had almost a week to sit back. Batch received the best place to SaiPalle got McFarland, who came through the pursuit, but the Pelicans Juvonen goalkeeper managed to save the company. Similarly, pelicans managed to once again scored after a swift SaiPalle was getting cooler, took over as the home side already 4-2 lead. These were also the final readings of the match and pelicans for 3 p.
Defeat the SAIPA fell out of the series in Table 8. Fortunately, the next game will be played on Friday and thus SaiPa gets a much-needed Huilian. I would like to see the power play SaiPa to make a change, the first power play played the Hamilton-Järvinen-McFarland. And in another overwhelming composition then played Strömberg-Koskiranta-Kaksonen or Leivo-Koski-Kuronen. Our number one odds, pakkeina could be Carson-Maalahti and other superiority pakkeina Savilahti Taipalus / Lappalainen. It seems to me, that these compositions would be dangerous for one superior composition which can be expected to power.
SaiPan raportti
SAIPA released yesterday, had made a new contract. Goalkeeper Tuohimaa injured on Monday in the exercise and will be sidelined two months. SAIPA quickly found a replacement for the team's strength relates to reach agreement 12/03/2016 Jussi Olkinuora. In fact, I do not belong here past the keeper, certainly due to the fact that has been playing for the last 6 years in America, in different leagues. Experience has been accumulated in the University, ECHL and AHL. Last season Olkinuora turned in the AHL Manitoba Moosessa 6 match amount of pesticide per cent and 86.4 ECHL Tulsa Oilers, 26 per cent of the fight against match 91.1. It was reportedly the summer also on display at the Jets, but the contract has not received. In fact, I believe that they will be able to handle what weather too games, as long as the defense is obtained pelamaan very front. I would put the finish on Friday Olkinuora home match against Ilves and Markkanen then playing on Saturday against the foreign JYP. This is also a good display OLKINUORA place to get a contract for the remaining period to one, if all goes well.
SaiPan uutinen
SAIPA continued to matches away matches against the Lahti Pelicans. Lahti has been managed in recent years, a difficult place, so it seemed this time to be. In recent games SaiPa the trade mark has been dominated by the opponent game and SAIPA makes paints. So it was also in this game in the first round, when SaiPa 1-0 lead in favor of putting the now proven to be an acquisition Curis Hamilton. From this moment later, another foreign acquisition Mcfarland made the second goal, the season and putting the visiting team for a 2-0 lead. Pelicans got to the end of the first installment yet unfortunately one back superiority and thus the first interval we went 1-2 situation.
The second installment of SaiPa began in the worst possible way, when the defense KooMail, pelicans reached to smooth the game 2-2. A moment later, the defense SaiPa and won for the second goal, evening the pelicans for the Nagander lost at the bottom of the disc player directly Pelicans players on the shoulder and thus, the home side took the lead, 3-2. SAIPA reached installments yet to apply for equalizing 5-3 against the overwhelming force, but unfortunately, the visitors' dominance was not as effective as the home team. This match another interval we went home team a 3-2 lead.
In the third installment SaiPa not really ever received a proper rear-tasking and running, certainly due in part to the previous day's play against the home match lock, while the pelicans had almost a week to sit back. Batch received the best place to SaiPalle got McFarland, who came through the pursuit, but the Pelicans Juvonen goalkeeper managed to save the company. Similarly, pelicans managed to once again scored after a swift SaiPalle was getting cooler, took over as the home side already 4-2 lead. These were also the final readings of the match and pelicans for 3 p.
Defeat the SAIPA fell out of the series in Table 8. Fortunately, the next game will be played on Friday and thus SaiPa gets a much-needed Huilian. I would like to see the power play SaiPa to make a change, the first power play played the Hamilton-Järvinen-McFarland. And in another overwhelming composition then played Strömberg-Koskiranta-Kaksonen or Leivo-Koski-Kuronen. Our number one odds, pakkeina could be Carson-Maalahti and other superiority pakkeina Savilahti Taipalus / Lappalainen. It seems to me, that these compositions would be dangerous for one superior composition which can be expected to power.
SaiPan raportti
SAIPA released yesterday, had made a new contract. Goalkeeper Tuohimaa injured on Monday in the exercise and will be sidelined two months. SAIPA quickly found a replacement for the team's strength relates to reach agreement 12/03/2016 Jussi Olkinuora. In fact, I do not belong here past the keeper, certainly due to the fact that has been playing for the last 6 years in America, in different leagues. Experience has been accumulated in the University, ECHL and AHL. Last season Olkinuora turned in the AHL Manitoba Moosessa 6 match amount of pesticide per cent and 86.4 ECHL Tulsa Oilers, 26 per cent of the fight against match 91.1. It was reportedly the summer also on display at the Jets, but the contract has not received. In fact, I believe that they will be able to handle what weather too games, as long as the defense is obtained pelamaan very front. I would put the finish on Friday Olkinuora home match against Ilves and Markkanen then playing on Saturday against the foreign JYP. This is also a good display OLKINUORA place to get a contract for the remaining period to one, if all goes well.
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