Toinen erä alkoi samalla tavalla kuin ensimmäinen, Luulaja pyöritti peliä ja löi tilanteita ja SaiPa puolusti erittäin tiiviisti omaa aluetta. Luulajan vaarallisimmat tilanteet läpi ottelun loi 2.ketju Harjun ja Junttilan johdolla. Myös kotijoukkueen ylivoima oli jo erittäin laadukasta ja vaarallista. SaiPa joutui myös erässä pariin otteeseen alivoimalla, mutta se osa-alue on erittäin hyvässä kunnossa tällä hetkellä. SaiPa pelaa tiivistä alivoimaa ja pelaajat blokkasivat erittäin hyvin vetoja Tuohimaan edessä. 2 erän jälkeen tilanne oli edelleen SaiPalle 1-0.
Kolmanteen erään Luulaja pääsi heti pelamaan ylivoimaa, kun Kalle Maalahden rangaistusta jäi kolmanteen erään. Kotijoukkue onnistuikin vihdoin tasoittamaan pelin vaikka vähän tuuriakin oli mukana, kun kiekko pomppasi maaliin puolustaja Simon Backman mailasta. SaiPa ei tästä hätkähtänyt vaan siirtyi jälleen johtoon tasa vajaalla pelatessa Eetu Kosken maalilla. Tämän jälkeen nähtiinkin ottelun rumin taklaus, kun Luulajan pelaaja taklasi SaiPan pelaaja suoraan päähän. Tästä tuomittiin ulosajo ja SaiPalle 5 min ylivoima. SaiPa ei kuitenkaan saanut kunnolla ylivoimaa rauhoitettua ja Luulaja pääsi tekemään vaarallisia vastahyökkäyksiä. Luulaja yritti tasoitusta myös ilman maalivahtia jolloin SaiPa pääsi tekemään illan kolmannen osuman tyhjiin mcfarland tekemänä. Luulaja tuli vielä maalinpäähän hienolla yksilösuorituksella, mutta kotijoukkueen taas hakiessa tasoitusta ilman maalivahtia, teki SaiPa illan toisen maalin tyhjiin Backman mailasta ja otti näin arvokkaan voiton 4-2.
Illan parhaana näkisin ehdottomasti maalivahti Frans Tuohimaan. Oli erittäin rauhallinen maalinsuulla eikä tiputtanut irtokiekkoja. Otti myös muutaman erittäin tärkeän torjunnan, kun Luulaja painoi päälle. Onnistujiin voi nostaa myös koko puolustuksen, joka selvisi illasta erittäin hyvällä arvosanalla. Ainoat vaikeudet puolustuksessa oli eilen Mäkiseltä ja Sneckillä, kun vastustaja karvasi niin ylhäältä, että avaussyöttö ei meinannut onnistua. SaiPan parhaimmistoa hyökkäyksen osalta oli taas ketju Leivo-Koski-Kuronen, joka esitti läpi ottelun pirteää peliä. Siinä meillä varmasti jo valmis ketju. SaiPa johtaa lohkoa nyt 6 p ja on erittäin lähellä kärkipaikkaa, kun kotipelit ovat vielä jäljellä. SaiPa tarvitsee näistä peleistä laskelmien mukaan 1p. Lohkon ennakkosuosikkina lähteneellä Luulajalla on taas hieman tukalampi tilanne, kun sen pitäisi voittaa molemmat jäljellä olevat pelit varsinaisella peliajalla. Innolla odotan jo SaiPan kotipelejä ja toivottavasti saadaan hyvin yleisöä kannustamaan joukkue jatkoon tästä kovasta lohkosta.
Tässä vielä CHL huippuhetket ottelusta
Frans Tuohimaa haastattelu
SaiPa CHL matches continued in the first division playing for Sweden against Luleå . Match started as the favorite in Lulea aloittikin the game very hard and pushed hard fury attack SaiPa head. However SaiPa defended accurately and the rest took care of situations Tuohimaa paint. SAIPA got lots a couple of good situation , where the other Kuronen successfully led SaiPa 1-0 lead.
The second installment began in the same way as the first , Luleå to run the game , and slapped situations and SaiPa defended very closely own territory . the most dangerous situations created in Luleå through the match 2. chain Harju and Junttila's chair. Also the home side's superiority was already a very high quality and safe . SAIPA also had lots a couple of occasions shorthanded , but it's part of the area is in very good shape at the moment. SaiPa playing shorthanded closely and players blokkasivat very well in front of Tuohimaa. After 2 batch of the situation was still SaiPalle 1-0 .
The third one Luleå reached immediately play the superiority of Kalle Maalahden punishment stayed in the third one . The home side managed to finally smooth the game, although a little luck was involved , when the puck bounced back into the match , Simon Backman bats SaiPa not scared about this but moved to once again take the lead by almost equal while playing Eetu Koski paint. After this, the match was seen as ugly challenge from the Luleå player tackled SaiPa player directly to the head . That is sentenced to exit and SaiPalle 5 min overwhelming . However, SAIPA not been properly protected by superiority and Lulea to score for counterattacks . Luleå attempt at equalizing also without goalkeeper when SAIPA score the third hit in the evening empty MCFARLAND finalization. Luleå became even more spectacular scissors kick from the individual performances , but the home team while applying for an equalizer without a goalkeeper , scored the second goal, SaiPa evening empty Backman bats and thus took a valuable victory 4-2.
I would see the best of the evening definitely a keeper Frans Tuohimaa . He was very calm at the entrance to the ball and dropped irtokiekkoja . Also took a few very important fight , while Luleå pushed forward. I managed to bring the whole of the defense , which survived the night at a very good grade . The only difficulty was the defense yesterday Mäkinen and Sneckillä , when the opponent hairs from the top so that the opening could hardly pass did not succeed . SaiPa best attack was again the case of chain - Bake Koski- Kuronen , who put through a lively game of the match . That we have no doubt already finished chain . SAIPA lead block now 6 p and is very close to the top spot after home games are still available.
The block of the favorites on board a Lule is back in a little bit more difficult situation , when it should win both remaining games in regular time . I'm waiting for SaiPa home games and hopefully the audience can be very encouraging to the team short-listed for this hard block .
The second installment began in the same way as the first , Luleå to run the game , and slapped situations and SaiPa defended very closely own territory . the most dangerous situations created in Luleå through the match 2. chain Harju and Junttila's chair. Also the home side's superiority was already a very high quality and safe . SAIPA also had lots a couple of occasions shorthanded , but it's part of the area is in very good shape at the moment. SaiPa playing shorthanded closely and players blokkasivat very well in front of Tuohimaa. After 2 batch of the situation was still SaiPalle 1-0 .
The third one Luleå reached immediately play the superiority of Kalle Maalahden punishment stayed in the third one . The home side managed to finally smooth the game, although a little luck was involved , when the puck bounced back into the match , Simon Backman bats SaiPa not scared about this but moved to once again take the lead by almost equal while playing Eetu Koski paint. After this, the match was seen as ugly challenge from the Luleå player tackled SaiPa player directly to the head . That is sentenced to exit and SaiPalle 5 min overwhelming . However, SAIPA not been properly protected by superiority and Lulea to score for counterattacks . Luleå attempt at equalizing also without goalkeeper when SAIPA score the third hit in the evening empty MCFARLAND finalization. Luleå became even more spectacular scissors kick from the individual performances , but the home team while applying for an equalizer without a goalkeeper , scored the second goal, SaiPa evening empty Backman bats and thus took a valuable victory 4-2.
I would see the best of the evening definitely a keeper Frans Tuohimaa . He was very calm at the entrance to the ball and dropped irtokiekkoja . Also took a few very important fight , while Luleå pushed forward. I managed to bring the whole of the defense , which survived the night at a very good grade . The only difficulty was the defense yesterday Mäkinen and Sneckillä , when the opponent hairs from the top so that the opening could hardly pass did not succeed . SaiPa best attack was again the case of chain - Bake Koski- Kuronen , who put through a lively game of the match . That we have no doubt already finished chain . SAIPA lead block now 6 p and is very close to the top spot after home games are still available.
The block of the favorites on board a Lule is back in a little bit more difficult situation , when it should win both remaining games in regular time . I'm waiting for SaiPa home games and hopefully the audience can be very encouraging to the team short-listed for this hard block .
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